## Configuration File for SrvReport
# Receiver of the mail-report
MailReport = webmaster@domain.org

# filename for saving the html-report
# may contain %%YYYY, %MM, %DD, which will be replaced with
# the apropriate values
FileReport = ../web/html/%%YYYY-%%MM-%%DD.html

# path where the images are located
FileReportImgPath = ../../images/

# If you want an up-to-date file, then you should set this to 1
FileReportCreateAlways = 0

# if you want to have the time of report-generation, you should set this to 1
# (normally you only need this if you set FileReportCreateAlways also to 1)
ReportWithTime = 1

# This defines the order of the report
order = Traffic CPUUsage WebServer FTPServer FTPLogs Postfix Warnings LastLogins ChkRootKit

# Now, all reporting-entries will follow:

module      = TrafficReport
description = Traffic report
file        = /proc/net/dev
interface   = eth0:
pattern     = %interface %in %o %o %o %o %o %o %o %out

module      = CPUReport
description = CPU Usage
file        = /usr/bin/uptime |
regex       = load average:\s+\d\.\d\d,\s+\d\.\d\d,\s+(\d\.\d\d)

module      = HttpdReport
description = Web-Server
file        = /var/log/httpd/srvreport_%%YYYY-%%MM-%%DD
wholeFile = 1
showHTTPStatus = 1
pattern     = %o %"vhost %o %time3 %"o %state %bytes

module      = HttpdReport
description = FTP-Server
file        = /var/log/xferlog
pattern     = %o %time1 %o %o %bytes %o %o %o %o %o %vhost %o %state %o %o
showHTTPStatus = 0

module      = LogReport
description = FTP-Logs
file        = /var/log/xferlog
pattern     = %o %time1

module      = PostfixReport
description = Postfix
file        = /var/log/mail
pattern     = %time2

module      = LogReport
description = Warnings
file        = /var/log/warn
pattern     = %time2

module      = LogReport
description = Last logins
file        = /usr/bin/last |
pattern     = %o %o %o %o %time4

module      = LogReport
description = Check for Rootkit
file        = /root/chkrootkit-0.43/chkrootkit |
regex       = INFECTED